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Henry P Barnes

Henry is one of our founding authors, and his were the first titles, we published. Henry has been writing for years, but most of his early work was in the arena of medical management and leadership. He's an experienced speechwriter, and the editor of an NHS in-house newsletter. Henry dabbled in fiction writing for years, without publishing anything and it was only after suddenly becoming widowed that he took it up in earnest.

His first novel, "Pals", was initially published in 2014 with some success, and garnered great reviews. It being his first published work of fiction, and being something of a fussy perfectionist, Henry declared that he wasn't happy with the finished article. He decided to re-write sections of it and then publish it as a second edition through SuperNova. It became one of the trio of books initially published under SuperNova in 2019. The other novels in the trio were also penned by Henry, "Sons" and "Two Brothers, Together."

"Sons" is the follow-up to "Pals" and is loosely based on a true story. "Brothers" is completely new, and couldn't me more different to the other two.

At Christmas 2018, Henry decided to attempt to re-kindle an old Victorian tradition of publishing spooky festive stories and produced his first short story, "The Watcher", which he offered for free as an e-book, but asked for people to donate to a charity of their choice. More than 10,000 electronic copies were downloaded worldwide. He says he hopes to make this an annual event.